| Travel, Jungfrau, Travel,

Blue Sky Birthday

Beatrice Lessi

The best treat for a birthday? A helicopter ride with my partner in crime, Geri. We flew to Monte Rosa (at the border with Italy) and Jungfrau  – on top of Europe and nothing less! Blue sky, white snow, green country, cobalt glaciers: we saw it all in one day, rapidly changing in front of our eyes. We were dressed totally wrong because we didn’t know where we would go, so we ended up with summer sandals in the snow. Landing in the middle of tourists queueing up to watch the Swiss panoramic view was quite entertaining indeed; let’s say that we were slightly out of contest. A wonderful birthday present – thank you Marc for flying us and being our host and guide!

bea geri monte rosa

Heli selfie on Monte Rosa

bea geri top europe

Jumping on the top of Europe

geri snow

Incredible view

shoes snow heels

Not the most appropriate shoes!

bea italy snow

Let’s go back to our chopper

beatrice geri top of europe

It’s so amazing here – we are just in a good mood!

geri helicopter

Geri in captain mood

geri snow

Sinking in the snow

bea snow heli

My snow outfit – not exactly perfect!


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