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Managing Happiness – The Harvard Course

Beatrice Lessi

Happiness is reachable, measurable, can be taught and is not a secret. And, seeing the times we are living in, we might need to boost it a bit! Or so I thought, when I saw it was online.That’s why I joined the course.

There are tools and strategies one can use to create a personal happiness portfolio, and you can learn to use them in Managing Happiness, the Harvard course that uses cutting-edge survey tools, research, trends in social science, positive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, to unlock the strategies to create a more purposeful life, full of long-lasting enjoyment and satisfaction.

I discovered online (and free) learning during the first lockdown on edX,  a massive open online course (MOOC) provider that partners with the  world’s leading universities and organizations to offer more than 3’500 courses to learners across the world.

I chose the option to have it graded and certified, so this particular course costed me 149$ – it’s free if you choose not to have it graded. If you want to have a look, browse edX for inspiration. Like any education, it might really improve your life.

Below, some images from the Bob Marley exhibition I just visited in London, at the Saatchi Gallery.



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