| Travel, Beauty, Fashion, Munich,

Oktoberfest – My First Time!

Beatrice Lessi

Can you have fun – and I mean a lot of fun –  at Oktoberfest if you are a teetotal, and a health junkie like me? Oh yes you can! Especially if you go with a bunch of bloggers, a brand, La Biosthétique, whose motto is The Culture of Total Beauty, and you are treated like a princess.


La Biosthétique has always been very active in promoting its products and services through the press and is now starting to do the same with bloggers. The Oktoberfest is so lively, colourful and entertaining, that it was the perfect occasion for the brand to invite influencers and give them the perfect make-over…Bavarian style, of course!

The Look

The Biosthétique staff was so friendly and motivated, we could ask them whatever we wished and they would go the extra mile to do it. The first thing they did was offering us champagne (and water to me, of course). Then they gave us refreshing eye patches. I think we all loved them so much that we almost went partying with patches on! Next thing was the hair: soft, loose braids in all variations – Bavarian, but with a modern twist. Finally the make-up: professional and natural looking. It was time to wear our Dirndl – the traditional dress for the perfect Oktoberfest look.

The Wild Side

The wild part was in the tent – the famous Schützen Festzelt. There, thousands of people drank what for me looked like huge beer glasses. It was so colourful and packed with people! Live music, non-stop delicious food, waiters rushing and almost pushing the guests (at least the drunk ones) if they stopped in the middle of corridors, people merrily dancing on the tables, choirs, giggling, champagne and more beer – we had it all. We bloggers made quite a cute table, I think (and so thought some of the other guests, who kept paying us compliments), all dolled up in our beautiful dresses and lovely hairdos. We were also lucky because blogger and photographer Andrea Monica Hug of Chic in Zurich was with us, so we had the best photos taken.

Thank you La Biosthétique for offering us such a fun and elegant experience – Oktoberfest can be really enjoyed by everybody!

drinks bloggers biosthetique

Welcome drinks at La Biosthétique in Munich. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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La Biosthétique hearts everywhere. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

bea makeover

Wearing the refreshing eye patches by La Biosthétique. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

hair bea

Having my hair done. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug

bea biosthetique

And then make-up. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug; chic-in-zurich.ch

bea braid

Modern Bavarian! Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

morgane champagne

Morgane Schaller drinking champagne…with eye patches on! Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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Lovely details everywhere. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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Bloggers enjoying the Munich sun. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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A chat in the sun before the evening in the tent. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug; chic-in-zurich.ch

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DirndI code: I tie my ribbon on the right side – it means I’m married

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Summer day in Munich – Sylwina was super pretty in her dirndl. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

mandarin oriental munich roof

Incredible view of Munich from our roof terrace at the Mandarin Oriental. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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Sunbathing, even at Oktoberfest – typical me. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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The party has really started! Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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Dancing on the tables. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

drunk man oktoberfest

The drunk man behind me kept saying we were gorgeous – hilarious. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch


Simply delicious. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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A lovely chat – and a lovely IWC watch. Photo by Andrea Monica Hug; chic-in-zurich.ch

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The day after – but still in Bavarian dress. Watch: IWC

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More makeovers by La Biosthétique. Photo: Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

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With the man behind it all, Siegfried Weiser . Photo: Andrea Monica Hug, chic-in-zurich.ch

bea wall biosthetique

The Wall. Bag: Maison Mollerus.


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