| Health,

The 10 best hacks to sleep like a baby

Beatrice Lessi

If you want to learn about sleep the scientific way and get to know about the latest research about sleep, watch a Masterclass by Matthew Walker or buy one of his books – I have done it and I warmly recommend it.

But if you are simply looking for tips to get a good night’s rest, here are some I use and that really make a difference.


1. Go to bed at the same time every night – this reinforces your circadian rhythm and helps your body run efficiently.

2. Go out in the first hour after waking up – use natural light to stimulate your body to produce melatonin. It works even if it rains!

3. Keep using light – Don’t wear sunglasses in the morning, start to do so in the afternoon. In the evening, make your room really dark. No screens, telephone or any light. All this is again a way to induce the body to produce melatonin.

4. Use the bed only to sleep – don’t eat, work, watch movies or study in it. The brain works for associations so you need to associate the sight of a bed to deep rest. It works.

5. Use the room temperature – your bedroom should be about 2 degrees less than the rest of the house.

6. Meditate. Read a book. Do something slow and a bit boring and then go to bed.

7. Have an orgasm – no explanation needed.

8. Be tired! Use your day wisely, move or exercise and and have an active and meaningful schedule.

9. If you can’t sleep, get up. Again, your brain works through associations. Bed is for sleeping only (or sex, of course).

10. For optimal thermic regulation, try Dagsmejanand its temperature regulating pajamas.

From Switzerland with love. Goodnight!

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