Brigthttonix swiss
| Beauty, Health, Lifestyle,

Brighttonix Swiss – The New White Smile

Beatrice Lessi

The Journey to a Brighter Smile

Are you happy with how white your teeth are, or would you like a lighter shade?

I receive a lot of compliments about my smile and always keep an eye on all products and innovations on the market. Recently a new revolutionary procedure, Brighttonix-y10,  came to Switzerland and I tried it – I am hooked, because it’s incredibly effective but has no side effects.

Here is how the idea started.

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Reading the y10 brochure

The Wellness Trend

Fitness, well-being and aesthetic medicine are booming. One of the upcoming phenomena is a growing awareness among consumers about dental hygiene and oral health, which is driving the demand in the oral care market.

Innovations in dental care product development from startup companies to the big brand names are fuelling this growth. BrightTonix is revolutioning this market because of its gentle and effective method, completely different from what was available before.

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As white as snow – the newly formulated Y10 toothpaste has a natural looking result, with no side effects


BrightTonix Swiss

BrightTonix Medical LTD  is a medical device start-up located in Israel. It’s faster, safer and brighter than all current bleaching treatments. It contains no peroxide or abrasive ingredients and allows you to removes stains from teeth enamel in a gentle way.

The treatment has no side effect, to preparation and no follow up, and can be performed as frequently as wished, in order to keep your teeth whiter.

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Trying Brighttonix

How Does It Work

A session lasts 15 to 30 minutes.

A silicone mouthpiece attached to a  device that looks like a  small screen (it is called the Y10 and generates RF – Radio Frequency Current) is filled with a special Y10 toothpaste and inserted in your mouth. That’s it: no pain or discomfort, one only needs to feel the refreshening sensation and wait until the end of the treatment.

The synergy between the unique Y10 toothpaste and Y10 device causes a temporary chemical reaction and as a result the Y10 toothpaste attacks the surface stain on the enamel and beyond the enamel in the dentin.


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Mouth rejuvenation

The treatment is refreshening, strengthening and rejuvenating. Why rejuvenating? Because it magnifies the natural processes that keep your mouth young.

  • Hyaluronic acid promotes gum health
  • The gums are composed of dense fibrous connective tissue which secures the teeth to the alveolar bone. If the Hyaluronic acid is present, it helps to provide the tensile strength of the ligaments that secure the tooth in place by providing hydration and nourishment
  • The unique combination between Radio Frequency current and Y10 toothpaste ingredients are magnifying and accelerating these processes


My Experience

I tried the treatment twice and had absolutely no discomfort or side effects. I was simply relaxing while my teeth became lighter, and loved the final result. It took me twenty minutes to reach a lighter shade, so it was easy to find a short break at lunchtime to do it.

The thing I liked most, though, was that, for the next 4 to 5 days, my teeth kept becoming lighter! For someone who has as little time as me, this method is ideal. I now feel confident when I smile, and know I can go back and do it again as often as I wish.

I am making this procedure a habit, like a manicure or a visit to the gym would be: I love feeling at my best, and I confess, I love doing it fast.

If you are interested in trying, Brightonixswiss is now available at selected dentists and beauty salons in Switzerland – you can write to me or check the Brighttonix website for more information.

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Happy about the result – I love my white smile!

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Gentle and effective

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