I Stay Home
| Fashion, Lifestyle,

How to Make your Stay-at-Home Time Sweeter

Beatrice Lessi

Books To Read, Things To Do

Let’s make the best of our time home – of course it’s a very difficult moment, for all of us. But it’s also a good occasion to read, think, appreciate what we have, stay together, clean, repair things, feel cozy, and do all the things we haven’t done for a while, for lack of time.

My favourite part? The humour. I am sure you are also receiving a lot of funny videos and jokes about the current situation – people have time and become very creative. And then of course I love being with my three daughters and, as usual, with the dog.

I have a relaxing corner in the house and had wanted to decorate it with some eco fur for a while – I love fluffy blankets and cushions and kept seeing them in Zurich restaurants and coffee shops. I have finally ordered them online at Bonprix.

And of course, while I was browsing on the Bonprix site, I saw something else. The sustainable collection of fashion and loungewear  offers quite a wide range of items in sweet, pastel colours, so I also ordered two dresses to wear at home, a pink dress and a light grey one. I love if my homewear is almost like a “normal” outfit, so that I am motivated to do my hair and make-up nicely,  go on working from home and keep my routines up.

As for my free time, here are three lists of books I loved or found very interesting. I am re-reading the book you see photographed, A Man, and find it as good as when I first read it, years and years ago.

The first list is about some of the books I read twice.

The second list is about books that somehow predicted or described a similar moment to what we are living.

The third list is about self-help books that inspired me to change some things in my life.

3 Books I read twice

3 Prophetic Books

3 Books for Self Help/ Psychology

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