google search 2019
| Travel, Events, Zurich,

Google Most Searched in Switzerland 2019

Beatrice Lessi

Last night Swiss press and bloggers were invited to a Google event showing the the most searched terms in Switzerland, in 2019. In a typical Google fashion, the presentation was spiced up by a little coup de theatre: the communication manager and his colleagues got changed in the dark and turned up dressed in tennis gear, dancing to the suddenly loud music and throwing balls to the audience.

After this, we were given a quiz and had to guess the top results in different fields.

Here are the top three results of the most important categories. Think a moment before reading…what would you say we (Swiss) searched most?

Most Searched Keywords


2. IPhone11

3. Notre-Dame de Paris

Most Searched Swiss Personalities

1. Luca Hänni

2. Loredana

3. Roger Federer

Most Searched Swiss Events

1. Féte des Vignerons

2. Eidg. Schwing und Älplerfest

3. Tour de Suisse

Most Searched How Questions

1. How long is the heatwave in Switzerland?

2. How long do you harvest rhubarb?

3. How wide is the Energy (=popular concert) stage?

Most Searched What Questions

1. What are achselbärte (=carpinus fangiana, a plant. This is due to a popular quiz show on TV that asked this question)?

2. What makes ginger spicy?

3. What should one do if bitten by ticks?

Most Searched News Titles

1. Luca Hänni

2. Swiss election

3. Loredana

google search 2019

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